Sunday, June 25, 2017

Reclaiming My Teacher Life

It's June 25.  The summer stretches before me.  What will it  bring? Is it going to be like all the other ones...the ones before it. I am starting this blog as a way to record my summer journey and to make myself accountable. I've had summers before start and end seemingly as quick as the ocean's tide going in and out.  Days go by like a blur and I am left shaking my head wondering where the time went. I want to live my life with more intention than that. And my intention is to reclaim my life. As a teacher, most of  my energy, time and efforts are focused on school, kids, work. I've lost myself in it all. I've gone through the motions of waking and working as if on autopilot. 

It's time for me. Goal number one is to take back my health with exercise and nutritious eating. I am currently following Danette May and spending time reading through her blog and watching her youtube videos. She is a fitness expert and has been a huge source of inspiration for me. She has had her share of trials but has endured and has gone on to help so many others. 
Image result for danette may

I'm going to regain my energy, vitality and drive. I'm going to do it by feeding my body what it needs and by staying active. 

Image result for tony robbins quotes

With a little coffee and determination nothing is impossible.

Stitch Fix Promo Code: Get $50 OFF

I got my June Stitch Fix in! What great timing! I am on the start of my Summer Break so this was like a little "End of the Year"...