Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2019....Here We Go!

Can you believe another year has just begun? 
How did you spend your New Years Eve? 
I spent mine alone watching Netflix.  DH had already gone to bed. We haven't actually gone out to celebrate on New Years Eve for years now.  
My best memories of New Years Eve was when we celebrated with kids. They would get so excited to stay up past their bedtime and watch the ball drop. We would eat junk food, drink cider out of fancy champagne glasses, wear party hats and wait for just the right moment to blow the heck out of our party blowers.  Kids make everything more fun. 

Guess I should introduce myself at this point for anyone who has stumbled upon this blog and to this particular post. 
My name is Doris and I am a 54 year old teacher, mom and wife. 

Right now I'm going through a bit of an identity crisis. 
You see, I'm a soon to be empty nester. 
I know many have gone before me and will after me. 
My life has revolved around my teaching and my kids for so many years now. 
2019 will be a year of change. 
My daughter will graduate high school this spring and begin attending college in the fall. 
My son has already graduated from college, is living about an hour away and has thoughts of moving out of state. 

So, the whole point of this post and this blog is to connect. 
Let me tell you that exposing my feelings is no easy feat for me. 
But I watched Julie and Julia last night on Netflix.  Have you watched it? 
It is about a woman who is going through a crisis of her own and begins a blog about something she loves. Her blog and her connections with others pull her through. 

I would love to connect with others who are going through changes in their lives. 
People helping people...it's what it is all about. 
But, if not, then let this blog be a place where I can post the highs and lows of this year. 
2019....here we go....

Stitch Fix Promo Code: Get $50 OFF

I got my June Stitch Fix in! What great timing! I am on the start of my Summer Break so this was like a little "End of the Year"...